Bulletin for 4-2-23

Birthdays and Anniversaries

None this week

Prayer requests:

Emma Reames new doctor, more tests

Chaney Reames is undergoing extensive dental work.

Gladys Ramirez had 2 stints, doing well.

Paul Tyler has a bad sort Parkinson’s. Got stem cell treatments. Pray for their success.

Bill Grubbs recovering from back injury.

Shirley Weeks, Steve’s mom, continues to have trouble.

Teresa Weeks, Steve’s sister, having age related issues. She has Down’s Syndrome. Also a fractured shin.

Sarah, Chris Girvin’s sister, on hospice care

Robert and Sue Waller, health issues

Darla Nitti, mini stroke, but doing ok

Leta, has a recurring cancer, prayer request from her granddaughter via our website.

Tammy Jones, Weeks’ neighbor, kidney failure/dialysis



“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1 NKJV).

The date of posting of this article suggests its theme. It is “April Fool’s Day” for those who are so inclined to recognize it. It occurs to me that the Bible has a great deal to say about fools and their folly, and perhaps we would be wise to consider some of those sayings.

At the heart of foolishness is the denial of the Eternal One who is our creator, our guardian, and our savior. Psalm 14 goes on to label those who reject the reality of God as corrupt, filled with abominable works, and incapable of good. They lack knowledge and are known for their injustice and the harm they bring to others. Denial of God — unbelief — is more than just a philosophy or world view; it is a moral and ethical issue involving preference for lies over truth and for evil-doing over righteousness (see 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12Romans 1:18-32).

Solomon lists many characteristics and consequences of folly in the book of Proverbs. They include:

  • Failure to obey commands (Proverbs 10:8)
  • Spreading of slander (10:18)
  • Rejection of wise counsel (12:15)
  • Delight in “silliness” (12:23)
  • Persistence in wickedness (13:19)
  • Unjustified pride (14:3)
  • Deceit or a lying tongue (14:8)
  • Hasty responses (18:13)
  • Instigation of quarrels and conflicts (20:3)

Many more examples of the nature and results of folly could be added from Proverbs and other Scripture. However one of the greatest forms of foolishness is the subject of several prophetic oracles — that is idolatry.

Isaiah describes this folly as follows:

“Those who make an image, all of them are useless, and their precious things shall not profit; they are their own witnesses; they neither see nor know, that they may be ashamed. Who would form a god or mold an image that profits him nothing?” (Isaiah 44:9-10).

The prophet then goes on to describe a craftsman who cuts down a tree, uses some of it for firewood, then carves the remainder into an image and calls it “god.”

“And the rest of it he makes into a god, his carved image. He falls down before it and worships it, prays to it and says, ‘Deliver me, for you are my god’” (Isaiah 44:17).

Such idolatry is without knowledge or understanding.

Idolatry is not just the worship of some form of image in the belief that it is divine. In the New Testament covetousness is termed idolatry (Colossians 3:5). Any being or thing which one exalts before God becomes his or her idol. These may be people, recreations, occupations, or possessions.

And all such idolatry is folly. There is one God, over all, all wise, all loving and merciful. He is worthy of our love and worship. To reject him is to practice foolishness.

Michael Brooks, link to original article

Bulletin for 6-5-22

Birthdays and Anniversaries:

6-7 Steve & Dena Weeks

Prayer requests:

Paul Tyler has Parkinson’s. Please pray for him.

Abby Garza had her surgery Wed. should return home tomorrow.

Darlyne Stewart, Karl’s sister, her cancer seems to be under control for the moment.

Shirley Weeks, Steve’s mom, is not well.

Sharon Best, Steven’s mom, still taking treatments for her pancreatic cancer.

Sarah, Chris Girvin’s sister, on hospice care

Eleuterio Oviedo recovering from knee replacement surgery

Doris Coley, regular listener, also recovering from knee surgery.

Robert and Sue Waller, health issues.

Darla Nitti, Wendi’s mom, stage 4 kidney disease, stroke. New living situation!

Leta, has a recurring cancer, prayer request from her granddaughter via our website.

Tammy Jones, Weeks’ neighbor, kidney failure/dialysis


Skills, heroes and role models

“Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant men in mixing strong drink, who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right” (Isaiah 5:22-23).

In the frontier days of America there was a rather notorious “river-man” named Mike Fink who frequently boasted, “I can outrun, out fight, and out drink anyone here!” Maybe he could, but are those skills of which one should be proud?

The prophet Isaiah pronounced woes upon those whose greatest exploits involved alcohol, bribes, and injustice. It is desirable to develop our abilities, but only if those abilities involve doing good, not evil.

The hero word is tossed about carelessly in our culture today. Athletes, singers, actors, and many other celebrities are held before us as role models, experts on what is good for us, and heroic figures. Is one really a hero because he can pass for 4,000 yards in an NFL season? Or because she can handle a soccer ball with her feet more deftly than most? Does making a platinum album qualify someone to serve as an example of character for our children? Or does beauty and acting skill prepare them for advising us on the proper philosophy of life?

A key part of the definition of “hero” is: “[someone] admired for his achievements and noble qualities.” Accomplishments alone do not create a hero. Character is a necessary component. We admire the great athlete or beautiful actress, but their physical gifts do not qualify them as examples for our lives. Even less should we seek to follow those whose “great” deeds are unwholesome or evil.

I am often amused at the list of world records maintained by Guinness. Who really cares how long the biggest strawberry shortcake was? Or who had the most pairs of shoes in their closets? I get it that there is a fascination with such facts, and that those records allow otherwise “ordinary” people to get their name in a book. But does that make their accomplishment heroic? Of course not.

When it comes to admiring someone to the point of making them our primary example and guide, there is only one best choice. That, of course, is Jesus.

“Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2).

Paul urged, “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Human role models qualify for that honor by setting their eyes on Jesus and molding their character after his.

“If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness” (Romans 8:10).

Some skills are to be avoided. Living according to the pattern set by Jesus is to be praised and imitated. Let us select our heroes carefully.

Michael Brooks, link to original article