
Bulletin for 6-4-23

Birthdays and Anniversaries

6-3 Julie Best

6-4 Steven & Michelle Best

6-7 Steve & Dena Weeks

Prayer requests:

Emma Reames new doctor, working it out

Chaney Reames is undergoing extensive dental work.

Gladys Ramirez tests on stomach.

Paul Tyler has a bad sort Parkinson’s. Got stem cell treatments. Pray for their success.

Shirley Weeks, Steve’s mom, continues to have trouble.

Teresa Weeks, Steve’s sister, having age related issues. She has Down’s Syndrome. Also a fractured shin.

Sarah, Chris Girvin’s sister, on hospice care and not doing well

Robert and Sue Waller, health issues

Darla Nitti, recovering from a fall

Leta, has a recurring cancer, prayer request from her granddaughter via our website.

Tammy Jones, Weeks’ neighbor, kidney failure/dialysis

Prayer: Think on the good

From you, O God, come all good things.
So grant that we, your grateful church,
May by your power think on the good,
And do as well in loving acts,
In Jesus’ holy name, who lives
And reigns with you in Heaven above,
United with the Holy Spirit,
One God, both now and ever more.


Therefore, get your minds ready for action by being fully sober, and set your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1.17 NET.

J. Randal Matheny, link to original article